- bilateral clearing
- двосторонній кліринг; взаємозалік
The English-Ukrainian Dictionary. Economics, Finance, Banking, Investmentss, Bank Loans. S. Ya. Yermolenko, V. I. Yermolenko. 2002.
The English-Ukrainian Dictionary. Economics, Finance, Banking, Investmentss, Bank Loans. S. Ya. Yermolenko, V. I. Yermolenko. 2002.
bilateral clearing — /baɪˌlæt(ə)rəl klɪərɪŋ/ noun the system of annual settlements of accounts between certain countries, where accounts are settled by the central banks … Dictionary of banking and finance
Bilateral trade — or clearing trade is trade exclusively between two states, particularly, barter trade based on bilateral deals between governments, and without using hard currency for payment. Bilateral trade agreements often aim to keep trade deficits at… … Wikipedia
clearing — [ kliriŋ ] n. m. • 1912; clearing house 1833; mot angl. « compensation » ♦ Anglic.; comm., fin. Technique de règlement par compensation, visant à éviter des transferts (de titres, de fonds). ⇒ compensation. Accords de clearing, entre pays, en… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Bilateral Credit Limit — Intraday credit limits set by two institutions for use with one another, usually within a large clearing system that operates by netting amounts due to and due from institutions by other members on a daily basis. Within the banking community, the … Investment dictionary
Clearing — Clea|ring 〈[kli:rıŋ] n. 15〉 Verrechnungsverfahren [engl.; zu clear „klar machen, klären“] * * * Clea|ring [ kli:rɪŋ ], das; [s], s [engl. clearing, zu: clear = frei von Schulden, sauber < afrz. cler = hell < lat. clarus] (Wirtsch.):… … Universal-Lexikon
bilateral financing instruction — The bilateral financing instruction is a type of two leg securities transaction instruction in which a seller acquires cash by selling securities (used as collateral) and simultaneously agrees to repurchase the same or similar securities at a… … Financial and business terms
Clearing — allgemein die gegenseitige Auf und Verrechnung von Forderungen und Verbindlichkeiten zwischen gleichen Partnern. 1. Zahlungsverkehr: Verfahren der Übermittlung, der Abstimmung und in einigen Fällen der Bestätigung von Zahlungsaufträgen vor dem… … Lexikon der Economics
bilateral credit — /baɪˌlæt(ə)rəl kredɪt/ noun credit allowed by banks to other banks in a clearing system (to cover the period while cheques are being cleared) … Dictionary of banking and finance
Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation — Type Private Industry Finance Ge … Wikipedia
Biosafety Clearing-House — The Biosafety Clearing House is an international mechanism that exchanges information about the movement of genetically modified organisms, established under the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety. Overview of the Biosafety Clearing House The… … Wikipedia
Foreign trade of the Soviet Union — Soviet foreign trade played only a minor role in the Soviet economy. In 1985, for example, exports and imports each accounted for only 4 percent of the Soviet gross national product. The Soviet Union maintained this low level because it could… … Wikipedia